
SEO strategy for website promotion

The goal of the strategy is to attract the target audience, grow a loyal customer base and increase sales

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Unleash the full potential of your website: Order a promotion strategy today!

Organic search engine optimization (SEO) is a comprehensive approach to improving the visibility and position of a website in the results of search engines such as Google, Yandex or Bing.

The goal of SEO is to increase the amount of targeted traffic to a website, improve conversion rates and, as a result, increase business efficiency.

Steps for developing an SEO promotion strategy:

  1. Determine marketing goals: determine what goals need to be achieved through SEO promotion, such as increasing traffic, improving conversions or strengthening the brand.
  2. Competitor analysis: study competitor websites, their strengths and weaknesses to understand how to differentiate yourself and take the lead.
  3. Target audience identification: understand who the target audience is, what queries they type into the search box and what pages on the site can fulfill those queries.
  4. Semantic kernel development: identify keywords and phrases that will be used to optimize the site.
  5. Technical optimization: improve the technical parameters of the site, such as loading speed, html markup optimization, no broken pages and optimization on mobile devices.
  6. Content filling: create informative and useful texts that meet the demands of the target audience and satisfy their needs.
  7. External optimization: get quality backlinks to the site to improve its authority and position in search engine results.

Types of website promotion strategies:

  1. SEO strategy (search engine optimization): focuses on improving the visibility of the site in search engine results.
  2. Regional strategy: focuses on attracting traffic from a specific region, for example, by registering the site in Yandex Business.
  3. Contextual strategy: uses contextual advertising to attract traffic to the site.

Criteria for the effectiveness of SEO-promotion:

  1. Search engine positions: monitoring of the site's positions by keywords and phrases.
  2. Traffic: measuring the number of visitors coming to the site from search engines.
  3. Conversion: measuring the effectiveness of a site in achieving marketing goals such as form fills, purchases, or other actions.
  4. Organic search market share: measuring the proportion of traffic that comes to a site from search engines.

SEO strategy for website promotion - is a comprehensive approach that requires an in-depth analysis of the market, business and target audience. Developing an effective strategy allows you to improve your site's position in search results, increase traffic and conversion rates, as well as strengthen your brand and increase business efficiency.

Promotion strategy

Developing a website promotion strategy is the preparation of a set of measures aimed at increasing its visibility, attractiveness and effectiveness on the Internet


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