SEO promotion and website optimisation

Set your business up for long-term success

What makes us unique

We are committed to providing exceptional customer service
  • Unlimited number of changes

    In a standard contract we offer an unlimited number of edits. So rest assured that you will be satisfied with all the results!

  • No hidden charges

    The cost allocation shown in our proposal and final contract includes everything - we have no hidden fees.

  • Personalised approach

    We are a small agency and build personal relationships with our clients - rest assured the process will be painless, friendly and fun.

  • Effective project management

    Using SCRUM methodology, we meet deadlines, deliver high quality work and keep you informed at all times.

  • Our team both in the zone ru and burg

    We have experience in promoting projects both in Russia and abroad, which allows us to meet tight deadlines and work in any time zone!

  • Proven experience

    We have extensive experience of working with development companies and know how to promote sites to the TOP in the topics of both commercial and residential property.

About SEO-Surfing

Our team has been engaged in SEO-optimisation since 2021. We help with the development of promotion strategies in Google, Yandex, Bing. We work with development companies, online shops, audit and accounting firms, insurance brokers and run various information projects. We advise small and medium-sized businesses.

Our SEO services

For more information about our services, please contact us by post or phone or request a call back
  • 1

    SEO planning

    Niche research and promotion planning

  • 2

    SEO optimisation

    On-Page Optimisation

  • 3

    Content Creation

  • 4

    Building a link strategy and profile

  • 5

    Project analytics

  • 6

    Technical optimisation

  • 7

    Collection of SN in different languages

  • 8

    Work for different geo-zones

  • 9

    Building PBN (privat blog network) grids

  • 10

    Working with external behavioural factors

  • 11

    AI-enabled SEO

  • 12

    Commercial factors EEAT YmYl

The work process of our SEO agency


Strategy and planning

We'll take an in-depth look at the technical state of your website, your competitors, and your content. Then we'll bring in our digital gurus to map out a path to victory with the best SEO strategy!



This is where the real magic happens. Our SEO specialists will start implementing your customised SEO strategy. We will meet with you monthly to discuss your results and answer any questions you may have.



Each SEO strategy we create is usually designed for 3 months. After this period, we conduct a full analysis of your website and SEO capabilities and create a new strategy that will allow you to reach new heights!

Rates for SEO promotion

The cost of operations is indicated per month. Prices in US dollars ($). For more information please contact us or order a call

Search engine optimisation is a list of works to increase the ranking of your website in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Yandex and Bing.

Promotion with the help of search engine optimisation combines both works on the internal optimisation of the site and external optimisation of the project. According to the results of these works, your website should get a position above other competitors in search engines so that potential Customers can easily find you and you get commercial organic traffic.

Quality SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) helps search engines to recognise your relevance with the exact keywords that people use to search for your products and services online. The search engine optimisation process involves basic SEO, content creation, link building, keyword research and making your website visible on the major search engines (getting your project to the top of the search results).

In this case, the ideal option for success in promotion is to start work on SEO optimisation of the project at the stage of creation and layout of the site, building its structure, filling it with content, linking pages and building the correct link profile.

Page optimisation is the most important component of successful SEO (search engine optimisation).

Our team of SEO specialists will carefully study your website (or its project). And we will identify all the problems that will negatively affect the indexation and ranking of the site, after which we will use all the methods and the necessary software.

Our team

We offer a full suite of digital marketing services. We can manage content, outreach, SEO optimisation and promotion to ensure your business goals are met. Customised solutions allow us to deliver maximum value to your business
  • Elina Shvedova
    Partner | CEO

    Элина - это душа нашей компании. Она тратит часы на то, чтобы сайты наших клиентов росли и приносили максимальное количество трафика, лидов и конверсий что неминуемо влечет рост клиентского бизнеса и прибыли.

  • Sergey Shvedov
    Partner | Head of SEO

    Sergey has extensive experience working with a variety of clients and is always ready to help you achieve great results. You can contact him by phone or email listed on our website.

Comprehensive site audit

Before starting work, we necessarily conduct a comprehensive audit of the niche and the project, on the basis of which we build a strategy to promote the site and prepare a monthly work plan with clear and step-by-step actions and transparent and regular reporting for the client.

During the audit, we take into account ranking factors such as:

  • Trust
  • Commercial
  • Behavioural
  • Linking
  • Technical

The works on the site will affect

Work with semantic core:

  • marker keywords collection
  • collection, cleaning and clustering of the semantic kernel
  • keyword frequency collection
  • minus-words list compilation
  • compiling a list of LSI queries


  • Search engine friendly URL
  • Title meta tags
  • Description meta tags
  • H1-H6 meta tags
  • Alt-tags creation, image optimisation
  • Сreation and correction of robots.txt file
  • sitemap creation


  • Google search console
  • Yandex Webmaster
  • Google Analytic
  • Yandex Metrica
  • usability and accessibility
  • linking
  • micropagination


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+8 916 070 03 13
42, Yuzhnobutovskaya Street, Moscow
8 (916) 070 03 13
  • Main page
  • About Company
  • Blog
  • SEO
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